CHIIARA is Music

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CHIIARA found her love for music at the age of 5 and learned to play the violin. She was influenced by classical music, but CHIIARA always wanted to be at the front of the stage - as a singer. Without further ado, violin lessons turned into an additional year of drum lessons, attending her mother's piano lessons, and playing her father's guitars. After an enlightening High School Musical Karoke evening with her friends at the age of 13, Chiara then took singing lessons. But she is really serious and over the next few years completed a bachelor's degree in songwriting/producing and then a master's degree in popular music practice. After completing school, Chiara is now free and ready to share all her songs with the world.

CHIIARA loves writing songs with her friends and producing songs with her father. They are now working with well-known names in the music industry such as , Farzad Rahnavard, Thomas Petermann & Tayib Thomas. Her own label,
Hoxmill Records GbRs, was also founded in 2020 - she means business.

CHIIARA tried to put herself in a box for a long time and then decided that she would simply invent a new one for herself. This includes her own stories, influences from classical music because of the violin, from jazz and soul and rock from her studies and pop because she always had the radio on at home. Artists that fit are Amy Winehouse, Lizzie McAlpine, or Lana Del Ray. But make up your own mind.

Book or contact CHIIARA for a concert.
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